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Team members: Marica Maifredi, Fabrizio Durelli

Client: Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura

Side2Side is an insurance product for the park sharing platforms that protect its users by reducing and covering risks. It engages users along with the platform in a long-term relationship based on mutual trust and cost efficiency. It's an innovative concept since it addresses future needs of the sharing economy context.


"The insurance model for peer2peer long-term relationships"

A new insurance product

The pricing model

We designed the pricing model in order to split the transaction in three parts: one part kept by the platform, one by the insurance company and the last one for the host. Along time, if the relationship among the host and the guest keeps on without claims, the platform and the insurance quote will become lower and the guest will earn more.

According to a rewarding system based on levels the users will be engaged in a long lasting relationship and then will low the risk level.

Stakeholder Map, System Map, Interaction Storyboard


We made some hypothesis about the cost structure of the system: the cost structure would allow to reduce significally the risky behaviours, costs for emergency solutions and frauds. On the other hand, we imagined to price 2 euros/ day to the served market in order to cover the costs.

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